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Meet our MUDGIRL Ambassador : Kim


Updated: Apr 18, 2024

Words to live by... "You're never too old to try something new!"

It was the year I was turning 40... my youngest son had started kindergarten and I wanted to have some purpose beyond my existing stay-at-home-mom and school-and-community-volunteer status. I'd always been active in sports and fitness, so figured that was a good place to start. What did I have to lose by getting certified as a personal trainer??

Worst case, I'd learn more about my body and it's physical potential.

Best case, I'd build my own fitness business that would bring together active and adventurous women who were willing to push their bodies and minds outside their comfort zone.

Well, guess what? 11 years later, I can happily say that I exceeded my wildest expectations! MOVE Fitness Montreal has grown into a dynamic, supportive community of women from 30 to 60 years old who run, sweat, laugh, and get uncomfortable together! While the base of our programs focus on bootcamp classes and functional fitness workouts, we also meet to hike, bike, golf, paddle and ski regularly, along with other one-off activities, such as tree climbing, plane pulling, pole dancing, goat yoga, triathlons and OBSTACLE COURSE RACING!

When the Spartan Race series first came to Quebec in the early 2000s, I thought it looked like a great physical challenge, and convinced many of my MOVErs to join me. What a blast! We were hooked! Many more Spartan Races followed, along with Mud Hero races, Polar Hero races and more... this will be our first MudGirl event and we're super excited that it's an all-female event -- GIRL POWER!

While I'm often thanked for what I do, it's ME who is truly grateful. Grateful to these loyal women who have helped me nurture and develop this business.

It's enabled me to balance my work and family life while pushing my own fitness level and keeping my brain challenged by finding crazy new ideas for this gang of maniacs -- love them all so very much!!

See you in the MUD!

- Kim

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