Hello, it’s Alicia!
You may remember me from last season or from popping up in the Facebook MudGirl-Pink Army group. I am Massage Therapist and Gym Girl Junkie from Ohio. I started my wellness journey for about 5 years ago and it’s been a challenging and amazing ride. I’ve improved my physical and mental health. (You can read a little more about my journey here.)
After an incredible MudGirl season last year, I’m so excited to be a returning MudGirl Ambassador! Last season, I had the opportunity to meet amazing women across the U.S. and Canada, and the chance to capture many
intense moments of overwhelming excitement. I watched you rally to conquer obstacles together, and it was truly amazing.
This year, I will be at the Columbus, OH and Flint, MI events, and several other locations and I can’t wait to meet so many of you amazing ladies and hear about your journeys.
Accomplishment, Laughter, and Pride
Ladies, this is what I live for! My heart leaps every time I see another woman achieve a goal, no matter how big or small. Last year I brought 16 newbies to the Cleveland event, between the ages of 11-56, and though some began the event as strangers, in the end we started our journey – our bond – as friends. When we approached the starting line, then began the race, I watched as women shed their nervousness and come into their own and reach the finish line with the biggest tear-filled smiles I have ever seen. A sense of accomplishment. A sense of pride. A sense of humor. And a crowd of the most supportive accepting people I have ever met.
Mental Health is Health
For those that don’t know, I spent many years in a bad relationship. Years of emotional abuse; years of feeling like I was weak and never enough. But I used it as a steppingstone. Once I was free from the relationship, I had to figure out who I was – who I wanted to be. Slowly but surely, I made physical changes with exercise and choosing better foods. But mentally, it wasn’t so easy; I was struggling – some days I still do.
Like many, I faced internal battles that seemed to never end. And then, I found my voice. What’s more, I started to use it. Using my voice brought on a feeling of pure peace and happiness. I soon realized, I wanted to use my voice to let others know “YES, YOU CAN!” I wanted to help others achieve their goals and step out of their comfort zones, because when one of us wins, we all win.
I See You, Sis
I want you to know how strong, powerful, and beautiful you truly are, and you CAN do the hard things. We are unstoppable. We will gather up our broken pieces and life each other up. We will extend a hand, lend a shoulder, and open our hearts to one another. I see you sis, and I am PROUD of you. I’m proud that you got out of bed today. I’m proud you got that job. I’m proud you did something for you, your health. And I’m so very proud that you are saying “Yes” to you.
Whether you are a seasoned OCR runner or you are trying something new, I am excited for you and I cannot wait to hear about the fun and muddy shenanigans! If you have any questions, no matter how silly you may think they are, just ask – I guarantee, you aren’t the only one with that question. This is a judgment free zone! Feel free to message me and I encourage you to follow me on Instagram @tall_drink_of_badassery
See You in the Mud!
Now. Let’s make this season the most exciting one yet! We have a lot of fun things coming and I am grateful to the awesome team at SportEra for all they do for so many incredible women. The MudGirl team goes above and beyond. I hope you are ready for tons of fun, a lot of love, and of course I can’t wait to meet you in the mud!